

life’s a click away

clicking away

mentally turning over, churning out,

burning out

click:  new topic, same perspective – need to refocus

click. double click (let’s delete that thought)

AND wipe clear that idea


it’s a major shutdown

fatigued – no chance to stretch my imagination

or hide away in my gray matter, with what matters


So hopeless, I remain scratching words to form phrases

with a desire to describe a riddle of humanity for those who

struggle under the weight of the human condition


Yet, reaching inside is harder than stretching forward

It is exhausting to reach and grasp nothing but air

to attempt to grab hold of your guts and have them

slip from your hands



(longing for those brief moments of exhilaration…)



(…when there’s a connection that grounds you in the present…)



(…and forces you to admit that life’s for the living…)


I think of Nietzsche: Even the bravest of us

rarely has the courage for what he really knows.

And I hear echoes of Springsteen’s refrain:

Is a dream a lie that doesn’t come true?


as I reach for the delete button


– Chris George 


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