Stewiacke-Pictou Town NS Ride (110 km)

A few years back a bluenose friend, Dwight Isenor, and I started out from the mastodon in Stewiacke for a wonderful ride through Nova Scotia backroads to Pictou Town — a 110 km trek that took a better part of a leisurely day.

  • Mastadon L to Hwy 2 (650 m)
  • L Hwy 2 to Brookfield (15 km)

Crossing over the winding Stewiacke River with the tide coming in.

We saw the great mud flats of the Stewiacke.

We rolled through Brookfield – my wife`s hometown village and the place where our Family has so many special memories. (Dwight wanted to stop for a sticky bun from the Brookfield Bakery – but I forced him to press on.)

  • Proceed through Brookfield on Hwy 2 to Queen Street Truro (13 km)
  • R Queen Street to Salmon River Road (6 km)
  • R Salmon River Road to Valley / Hwy 4 (3.5 km)
  • R Hwy 4 to Mount Thom (22 km)
  • Proceed through Mount Thom to Central West River (16.5 km)

Here’s the Salmon River outside of Truro with the Fundy tide out. The river bed was nothing but one large mud flat!

Our first look at the Mount Thom hill. This road twists around – and look at the upper left of this photo to see the full extent of this winding climb.

We traveled by the the hills and forest along old hwy 4 to Pictou County.

  • At Central West River ver left onto Hwy 376
  • Hwy 376 to Pictou Town and the Trans Canada Trail (15 km)
  • R Trans Canada Trail to the Pictou Waterfront (18.5 km) 
  • Proceed to the Pictou Wharf for your salute! (200 m)

Our first sight of the water – the mouth of the West River, which empties into Pictou Bay.

We rode a trail along the Bay`s edge and this was the first sighting of Pictou Town – and onto the end of our ride – at the Pictou Wharf.

And here’s the Pictou Harbour mainstay — the Hector.

The Pictou Wharf salute! What a great ride!

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Chris George, providing reliable PR counsel and effective advocacy. Need a go-to writer or experienced communicator? 613-983-0801 @ CG&A COMMUNICATIONS. And yes, Chris also would rather be cycling… #bikealmonte

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