- You keep a picture of the Stanley Cup in your wallet in front of the picture of your family.
- All your kids are either named Gordie, Bobby or Wayne.
- Your idea of serving breakfast is giving each of your kids a fork and dropping an Eggo in the middle of the table.
- You punish your kids with “minors,” “majors,” and “misconducts.”
- You think the Canadian National Anthem is the theme from “Hockey Night in Canada.”
- Instead of duct tape, you use hockey tape to fix everything.
- You call a trip to the Hockey Hall of Fame a “pilgrimage.”
- You went into a bank because it advertised “Free Checking”….and walked out disappointed.
- You’re not allowed to play chess simply because the first time you played, you misunderstood the meaning of the word “Check.”
- When you come to a traffic signal and the light turns red, you get really excited and chant, “He shoots! He scores!”
- Your cure for everything is a couple extra-strength aspirin and a shot of Novocain.
- You can pronounce anything in French, yet you have no idea what it means.
- You can say “Khabibulin,” “Tkachuk,” “Jagr,” “Leschyshyn” and “Nikolishin” without getting tongue-tied.
- Every time you see the name “Roy” you automatically pronounce it “Wah.”
- Your closet is divided into 2 sections: HOME and AWAY
- Everything in your wardrobe is your team’s colors.
- When someone says, “two minutes” you respond, “What for!?!”
- You bake biscuits – burn them black – in dimensions of 3″ by 1.”
- You own a Zamboni and keep it in the garage while your main car stays in the driveway.
- You think the proper way to spell the plural of “leaf” is “leafs.”
- When someone refers to “The Classics,” you think they’re talking about the Original Six.
- You consider the Forum in Montreal a place of worship.
- Every time you hear a siren you wonder who scored.
- Your calendar only runs from October to June.
Chris George provides reliable PR & GR counsel and effective advocacy. Need a go-to writer and experienced communicator? Call 613-983-0801 @ CG&A COMMUNICATIONS.