- What did Adam say the day before Christmas? – It’s Christmas, Eve!
- What is a typical elf greeting? – “Small world, isn’t it?”
- You better get spruced up if you’re going to sell Christmas trees.
- Some children call him Santa Caus since there is Noel.
- How do Santa and Mrs. Claus travel? – On an icicle built for two.
- What do Christmas trees and bad knitters have in common? – They both drop their needles.
- If a reindeer lost its tail, where could he get a new one? – At a retail store.
- What do you call a reindeer who wears ear muffs? – Anything you want. He can’t hear you, anyway.
- What is green, covered with tinsel and says, “Rabbit, rabbit?” – A mistle-toad.
- Who delivers Christmas presents to little sharks? – Santa Jaws.
- What do monkeys sing at Christmas time? – Jungle Bells, Jungle bells.
- Where does Santa Claus go swimming? – The North Pool.
- What would you get if you ate the Christmas decorations? – Tinselitis.
- What do you get when you cross a Christmas tree with an apple? – A pineapple.
- What do you call people who are afraid of Santa Claus? – Claustrophobia!
- What do you call a letter that is sent up the chimney on Christmas eve? – Blackmail.
- What do reindeer use to decorate their Christmas trees? – Horn-aments.
- Who makes toy guitars and sings, “Blue Christmas?” – Elfis.
- What name does Santa Claus use when he takes a rest from delivering presents? – Santa Pause!
- Where does Santa hide the presents he’s giving to Mrs. Claus? – In the clauset.
- Why will Santa go down your chimney on Christmas Eve?- Because it soots him.
- What does a reindeer say before telling a joke? – This one will sleigh you!
- What do you call Santa when he goes to the beach? – Sandy Claus.
- How long are an elf’s legs? – Long enough to reach the ground.
- Do reindeer go to public school? – No, they’re elf taught.
Chris George provides reliable PR & GR counsel and effective advocacy. Need a go-to writer and experienced communicator? Call 613-983-0801 @CG&A COMMUNICATIONS.