“Everyone knows that the internet has transformed how news is both reported and consumed. This fact—that news production and distribution changes—is the new (and only) constant. Change is normal. In the future a lot more stories will be uncovered that have been ignored for too long—stories that people actually want to read about but that the media gatekeepers either finds disinteresting or is afraid to report. The power is shifting from the media to the people. Cave canem.” – Glenn Beck, Founder & CEO of Mercury Radio Arts
“The future of news will consist of a small collection of news networks that the public trusts, based on hybrids of different business models. That trust will be based on extended independent fact-checking and observation of other traditional news values, to include the separation of advertising and reporting, and a renewed commitment to the Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics. Untrusted news networks will focus on entertainment and gossip, otherwise failing.” – Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist
“I think the future of news is the branded curation of news. We currently tend to follow big branded entities and aggregators, the NY Times, Huffington Post, Fox News or MSNBC, etc. I think big brands will continue to do fine. However I think the fastest growing segment of the news business will be individuals who create a brand around their name and a niche about which people trust them to educate or entertainment them. John Doe on the best salads in NY. Sally Doe on the local school board. As these niche news individuals gain any momentum or scale, they will be bought or licensed by the big news groups and integrated into bigger sites.” – Mark Cuban, Co-Owner of 2929 Productions & Chairman of HDNet
“The future of news is bigger than ever. It used to be a butterfly opened its wings in Tunis and no one cared. But in a world integrated economically and connected by Facebook and Twitter, more people are impacted and excited by more events. The future of news is more about *stories* than ever before. Citizen journalists have a bigger voice in covering news events via social media, leaving more room for traditional journalists to seek out in-depth stories. Most important, journalism is still about making a difference. Our job is to bring faces, voices and places into people’s lives that in some small way make their world a better, more informed one.” – Erin Burnett, CNN Anchor
“The future of news is not what it was. We have not begun to reimagine what news can be digitally: as a platform for communities to share what they know, as a means for journalists to add value to that exchange, as a vehicle for finding tremendous new efficiencies, as a way for news organizations to create valued relationships with the public. The internet is as disruptive as Gutenberg’s press and we’ve only begun to see its impact on news and every other industry. It’s only 1467, folks.” – Jeff Jarvis, author of upcoming “Public Parts: How Sharing in the Digital Age Improves the Way We Work and Live”