“The future of news is going to be interactive, social, unregulated and all around you. News happens everywhere and with technology available to us, news will be reported as it’s happening. Journalists, youtubers, bloggers, twitpicers, will all work together to create the best possible news coverage.” – Janis Krums, Photographer of “Miracle on the Hudson” photo & Consultant in New and Social Media, Web Marketing, Usability
“The future of news is interactive. There’s tremendous social, cultural, and political value in the discussions that happen after a news story breaks. These discussions used to happen in person near the water cooler a decade ago. Today, more and more of our daily activities occur in the digital world, and these discussions are now happening on platforms, including social networks and, increasingly, mobile apps.” – Akshay Kothari, Co-Founder & CEO of Pulse
“The HelloGiggles girls are anticipating (or at least hoping!) that more and more important news will come to us in small bites that we can digest as we go about our work day. The three of us turn to Twitter for find breaking news, whether it be from standard news outlets (@NYTimes @NiemanLab), or local news that covers our specific interests (@LarchmontLA, @WeHoDaily.) A news aggregator like @AntDeRosa, has become crucial player in keeping us informed. We’ve also found that the news stories we are most often compelled by are ones that the people we follow on various social media outlets are the most passionate about. Fair and balanced coverage? No thank you. Breaking stories broken down so we can keep informed yet continue on with our day? Yes, please!” – Molly McAleer, Sophia Rossi and Zooey Deschanel, Founders of HelloGiggles
“The Future of News is video from experts. The age of journalists–and simple “writers”–having exclusive control of the news flow has ended. Vertical experts are now either going direct to consumers or being syndicated in online properties. Text-based content is moving to video due to internet-enabled TVs, iPads and user preference. The difference between an expert on video and a journalist in video is stunning. Journalists can look very uninformed when speaking on video, but experts shine when speaking off the cuff–for obvious reasons.” – Jason McCabe Calacanis, CEO of Mahalo & ThisWeekIn
“The future of news is the future of civilization. Current media practices distort the democratic process in ways that favor those who are already far too powerful, as the recent debt ceiling imbroglio amply demonstrates. Humans distracted by the newest technologies tend to overlook powerful mature technologies; low-cost web offset printing is more accessible than ever thanks to cheap digital tools. Every U.S. Congressional district should — and can — have its own concise, independent, and free weekly tabloid, beholden to that district’s constituents rather than their corporate overlords.” – Steve Fowle, Editor of The New Hampshire Gazette