It’s “the epic” collection of political jokes and quotes

Here is “the epic” collection of political jokes from the campaign trail. With just two weeks left in the Ontario election, By George is re-publishing its political jokes and quotes book with many more jokes and feature sections. This 150-page e-book is bursting with funny guffaws, “shaggy-dog” stories and sideways jokes about politicians and politics. The…

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The Dead Horse Theory

This theory is sometimes referred to as “Government’s Political Correctness.” Here’s the predicament:   The tribal wisdom of the Plains Indians, passed on from generation to generation, says that “When you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount, then get another horse.” However, in Government, more advanced strategies…

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Lindsey Vonn’s replacement

Less than a year ago, Olympic champion Lindsey Vonn tore the anterior cruciate, ligament and medial collateral ligament in her right knee and fractured her tibia during a harrowing ski accident in Schlamding, Austria. Vonn was airlifted by helicopter to a hospital in Schladming. Concerned she wouldn’t be ready for the 2018 Winter Olympics, the U.S. Olympic Committee announced today her spot…

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